cloud nine
Blonde Ale - 3.9%
Great on a hot summer's day, enjoy either in the pub garden or whilst at home... Cloud Nine is what summers are made for!
Bar Notes:
Colour: Blonde
ABV: 3.9%
Bitterness: Balanced bitter / sweet
Malt: Light malt flavour
Hop Flavour: Zesty notes of lemon & pine kernels
Awards: Great Taste Award Winner / Various local beer festivals
Available in: 72 Pint Firkin / 500ml Bottles
Quick Fact: Cloud Nine is a best-seller in our taproom over the summer months.
Light, bright and blonde – Cloud Nine is a seriously refreshing beer which is quintessentially quaffable ! Can you distinguish a whiff of Wild Mint in the bouquet? There’s lemon zest and pine kernels mingling with the barley grains and brightly flavoured hops, all you have to do is take yourself there !